Mellow Brews Café
Sit back, relax and enjoy a moment of respite.
Cactuar, Mist, Ward 18 Plot 11
Our hours are
Saturday's 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM EST
Sunday's 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM EST
Thank you for visiting the Mellow Brews Café
Manto Lulfar - Owner
Your favorite red headed midlander is ready to share the most delicious food and drinks you can imagine! All with a heart on his face and the best service you can dream of!
Raised in the Twelveswood and lived in Gridania his early life he was often left home alone as he was growing up, he eventually cooked his own meals that turned out to be delicious. Manto left the Twelveswood in his late teens to seek out the Culinarian guild to master his craft as a chef. He then settled in the Mist to open his own Café and take a break from the night scene of Amethyst Ablaze-AA.
Iri'to Nirru - Co-Owner
At your beck and call! Iri'to offers the fastest service all with a dashing smirk across his face.Once a Miqo'te in his early life, Iri'to encountered an enchantress who told him she went by the name "Fantasia". Iri'to was entranced and before he new it, he was morphed into a midlander. He met Manto before this transformation and to his shock, Manto ended up liking his midlander form standing right before him. Will he continue on his adventure as a midlander? or will he seek out the enchantress to go back to his original form? Only time can tell! Iri'to knows one thing for sure and that's to serve you the tastiest food and drinks across the realm!